Saturday, December 27, 2008

Sledding on Christmas

These pictures pretty much tell the story. Christmas was calm, cold and sunny. We walked to the golf course sledding hill ( it's a half of a km away) and had a great time! Jesse slept in the car.

Haidi and I cooked a great dinner- I took some notes on the stuffing and cranberry chutney. We had a Peace River turkey and a Wimbush traditional trifle. Yum! We also had a great bottle of wine - Walla Walla'05.

Laura's brother and sister-in-law were in nearby Houston for the holidays and found themselves making an unexpected trip to the Smithers hospital early Christmas morning for the birth of their first child. Welcome to Jacob Jon hols!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas and Cousins

Here we are right in the thick of the Christmas season! Haidi, Nick, Lyra, Marley, Zia the dog and the Kitty all arrived last night! We woke up and had waffles and then the kids played for hours in the basement - oh and Lyra watched the nutcracker video(her favorite).
Laura and I have had an interesting week prepping for the Holidays and the Telles arrival. Last Monday started off for me with an eye examination and my pupils being dilated to the extreme. After that I came home and was puttering around with my sunglasses on, chopping firewood and stoking wood stoves as it was still minus 30! I then proceeded to do a wood stove "safety" check and burnt my right palm ( to the second degree!) I spent the next 24 hrs with and ice pack and a bit of morphine. Fortunately I didn't have to work much for the rest of the week. I closed off my work year on Friday and left a nice message on our answering machine stating that HIS Electric was closed until the fifth of January! Yahoo!
Jesse's in a bit of a teething phase. Currently he eats TONS of pureed carrots, squash and rice cereal. Ava is thrilled to have her cousins here!

We were at Oma and Opa Hols' place for dinner on Tues night. We opened gifts with them and Jeff& Jenn and them went to great Oma/Opa's place for the annual rowdy gift swap (gift stealing allowed) Laura brought a Chinese fighting fish complete with mini tank, food and seashells. It was a hit! Tonight we're off to Hazelton to see Nana, Grandpa and Pepito the goat!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Sunday - Session Two

It's Sunday, everyone has been fed and washed, Ava has had a mini geography lesson and listened to her violin CD. Jesse's already had one nap and he's up .

He's happiest right wen he gets up so, we had a mini photo shoot of the kids - not sure if that's terribly newsworthy - Here goes two cute photos though.

PS- I'm cooking a pasta meal for our church youth group this Aft. Yeah - 36 teenagers and chaperones. They will be doing a progressive dinner .

Sunday Morning

OK - learning the Blog ropes is hurting my brain! and I have a 2 1/2 year old climbing on me. That can be hard on production.

This post is so I can get the remaining pictures of the Sleigh ride up! ( the only way I know how)
The farm was beautiful on Friday Owners Glen & Dolores Kerrr are parents to Brian Kerr - incidentally he has 20-30 draft horses and raises them as a hobby and labor of love. There are two resident blue heelers on the farm and six elk were also visiting earlier that morning. Glen also has a great selection of horse drawn equipment randomly arranged in the back field.

Sleigh Rides

Well it's been another eventful week in the Wimbush home. We've been hit with a bit of a cold snap which has also brought sunny clear days and full moon nights. Laura and the kids are a fighting off a bit of a cold.. nothing too serious. We certainly have our weekly and week-end routines down pat. We've been loving having a little boy in the house- we end up calling him "mister"as does Ava. He's a quite a morning person(we all are!) He gets up, has a nurse at around five am and then goes to his little living room floor mat so we can attempt to sleep 'till seven.

Ava and Dad went with the Strong Start drop-in class for a sleigh ride on Friday morning to the Kerr Ranch. Fun!! There were around twenty five parents and at least that many children too. Ava went for three sleigh rides and ate three hot dogs! When the brought the team of horses out of the barn She said to me - "look Dad, they have their hats AND seat belts on".